Cyril Dixon's Story.
Birkenhead News 02 May 1917PORT SUNLIGHT YOUTH
Killed in Action.
Mr. and Mrs. William Waters, of 4, Henthorn Road, New Ferry, have received during the week-end the intelligence that their son, Pte. Cyril Dixon Waters, of the King’s Shropshire Light Infantry, has been killed during the fighting that took place on April 17th. He received a bullet through the head and died instantly. Young Waters, who was only in his 20th year, enlisted at the commencement of the war in the Denbighshire Yeomanry, and after training in this country was transferred to the King’s Shropshire Light Infantry. He proceeded to the front twelve months ago. In pre-war times he was an employee of Messrs. Lever Bros. in their offices in Port Sunlight, and was also an enthusiastic member of the Village Boys’ Brigade A.F.C., all of whom will be deeply grieved to hear of his untimely death. His two other brothers, Charlie and Ernie, are also serving their King and country. Charlie is in the Cheshire Regt., at present at Oswestry, suffering from trench feet contracted whilst out in France. Ernie is now training at Whitchurch. These soldiers are grandsons of the late Captain Dixon, a pilot of the port of Liverpool.